Complete Solutions Project Management
Responsible for deadlines, meetings, delivery scope and project budget. Focus lies on the communication and coordination of activities inside the company, also on the communication with customers and suppliers.
A highly professional approach of employees with experiences from domestic and international projects is a guarantee of customers satisfaction.
Large projects need a clearly defined structure assigning responsibilities and authorities. The Project Management team coordinate each step of the activities, from manufacturing to quality control, from purchasing to delivery, from sub-contractor to sub-vendor. The interdisciplinary approach will gurantee the most cost effective way to complete the project in time with the best cost benefits. .
GETABEC can act as the EPC contractor as an individual company or in a consortium, if the size or complexity of the project requires.
The Project Management Team headed by an experience Project Manager will coordinate closely with the owner, with governmental agencies, but also internally with all departments and business Units of GETABEC.

A clear reporting system, a transparent process approach are the guarantors for success. A professional Project Management will save time, resources and finally Money.