Paper Producing Industry

Paper Producing Industry

The drying process in the paper industry is a very extensive steam user.

Paper Producing Industry

during the whole process of paper making, steam and heat is used to "cook"  the wood chips pre-dry and finally dry the paper. The massive drying cylinders are heated cast iron rotating cylinders heated by saturated steam. The process needs an huge amount of steam. The steam boiler becomes the lifeline of the process. Reliability and availability are the keywords for the boiler. GETABEC's fire-tube boiler, with one or two burners are the working horse in the industry. Today we have a trend to set up larger paper mill where a industrial boiler of fire-tube design has reached its limitation. Water-tube boiler, especially with a biomass firing systems are today's choice.

Applicable Products

Fire-tube Boilers

Water tube boiler

Biomass Boiler